In the UK, IGCSE/GCSE curriculums are provided to students of age 14 to 16 years. It is a significant milestone in the academic career of every student. The results of the student's (I)GCSEs determine the type of A-level course they will study in a high school of different backgrounds and, by extension, the type of university that the student will apply to in the future.


This two-year course leads to external examinations at the end of Year 11 with the (International) General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGSCE/GCSE). These examinations are recognised worldwide for their high academic standards and well-developed course structure.


A wide range of subject knowledge is required as they are the first major set of exams that students will take. There are some subjects that require coursework, such as English Literature. It is common for Science examinations to be based on the students' practical skills, while Mathematics examinations are usually based on written tests. There is no doubt that our tutors have a thorough understanding of the different courses and provide students with the necessary skills to succeed.


Our outstanding team of teaching professionals are committed to helping students achieve success in all subject areas, and supporting students prepare GCSE/IGCSE exams offered by the following exam boards:

 Cambridge IGCSE   OCR   AQA   Edexcel   Pearson/Edexcel