Q1. 您是如何进入教学行业的?是什么/谁激励您成为一名教师?
Q2. 对那些想来英国读书的留学生,可以给一些您认为非常重要的建议吗?
What’s the best advice you could give to someone who wishes to study in the UK?
To make the most of the opportunities available. There is freedom to explore what interests you when you are a student, especially at university. As working adults we have to tailor our work to focus more keenly on responsibilities, so when students have the opportunities to explore what attracts them, I would advise them to make the most of it.
What are your biggest accomplishments and toughest challenges as a
My biggest accomplishment as a teacher was understanding the way it was for one of my students in my form in school. He had a dream of becoming an airline pilot and came from a socially and economically deprived area of the city. He also had a lot of discouragement at home. I began mentoring him when he was in the first year of his GCSE courses and matched his grades to what qualifications he would need to set him on the course he wanted to be on. I saw him come to believe in himself and get the grades that he needed.
I last saw him some years ago when he was in the second year of an aeronautical engineering course and was working part time while studying so that he could continue to have flying lessons to realise his dream of becoming a pilot.
In relation to this story one of the toughest challenges as a teacher is to walk the fine line between students and their parents, always presupposing that parents have the best interests of their children at heart and of the need to respect that. Sometimes parents and students do not agree and it is quite a difficult place to be as a teacher when such a conflict becomes apparent.
Q4.平时如何度过空闲时间? How do you like to spend your free time? 空闲时间我最喜欢的就是骑自行车了。我也喜欢看书和看电影,基本每周都会。 The thing I would love to do more during my free time is to just take off cycling for the day. I also love reading and watching films, both of which I do in the average week. Q5.您的愿望清单上有什么事项? What’s on your bucket list? I only have two things on my bucket list at the moment. The first is that I would like to cycle El Camino from Pamplona to Santiago de Compostela. I would also like to see the original icon painted by Anton Rublev of the Holy Trinity (The Hospitality of Abraham.) Q6.过去五年您读过的最好的书是什么? What’s the best thing you’ve read in the last five years? I have read quite a few good books, both fiction and nonfiction in the last five years but I think the best thing I have read is the prologue from “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss. It is beautiful, poignant and haunting. Q7.您最喜欢的名言是什么? What’s your favourite quote? The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. Q8.您是早起的鸟儿还是夜猫子? Are you an early bird or a night owl? 我曾经是早起的鸟儿,但自从我开始线上授课并习惯在晚上工作后,我现在更像夜猫子啦。 I used to be an early bird but since I started tutoring and I work in the evenings I would say I'm more of a night owl now. Q9.您最喜欢的休假方式是什么? Are you an early bird or a night owl? 从一个地方骑车到另一个地方,路上停下来四处看看,然后找个地方美美吃个午餐。其实就是给自己一整天,彻底从日常各种琐碎中抽离出来。 Q10.如果可以穿越,您会选择什么时候去哪里? If you could time travel when and where would you go? 想回到上世纪80年代的爱丁堡。那时候我在爱丁堡读书,在我记忆里的四年学生时代,每天醒来都觉得快乐是那么简单。 I would go back to Edinburgh as a student in the 1980s because I remember waking up every day during those four years feeling that something amazing or wonderful could easily happen. Q11.在公共场合最讨厌别人做的事情是什么? What’s the most annoying thing people do in public? 发生争吵。我不太喜欢看到大家公共场合发生冲突,尤其是看到男性/男孩对女性/年轻女孩表现得咄咄逼人的时候。 Argue. I don't like it when I see conflict, especially when men/boys are being aggressive to women or young girls. Q12.如果今天赢了一百万英镑,您明天会做什么? What would you do tomorrow if you won a million pounds today? I would take my adult children out for lunch and talk to them about buying them a house so that they wouldn't have to pay rent anymore. Q13.能不能和我们分享一些您不为人知的趣事? What’s something people would never guess just by looking at you? They would never guess that I spend eight days every year in a silent retreat and have done so for the last 23 years, except for one year during the pandemic. What did teachers say about you in your school reports and is it still true? 他们总是说我聪明、认真、安静。 They always said I was intelligent, conscientious and quiet. What’s your favourite way to express yourself? I write a journal and a blog and sometimes, if I feel sad, I sing some Jazz / Blues to let it out of my system. 点击以下视频 了解更多关于Margaret导师的 教学经验和与莫顿学子的故事 🎬 了解更多莫顿导师和学子内容,欢迎点击下方回顾系列访谈—— 《走进莫顿导师》系列访谈 莫顿导师专访|对话Alevel考局导师:“物理学很简单,物理学家却不然” 无论您的孩子目前在什么学习阶段和教育体制下,只需入读伦敦莫顿学院,成为长期学生,即可享受英国本土学生同等权益!我们可以为每位符合要求的学生提供(但不局限于): 如果你也想 直接与考局出题考官、合作导师交流 参与这些老师的课堂👩🏫👨🏫 👇 莫顿学院课程包含但不局限于 (I)GCSE全学科精讲强化课 (I)GCSE单科精讲/强化课 Alevel全学科精讲/强化课 Alevel单科精讲强化课 (I)GCSE~Alevel直升精讲课/强化课 英国私校/本科申请升学指导 牛剑名校冲刺提升 雅思/专项/学术英语指导课程 小语种课程,日语/法语/西语等