英国AQA /OCR考局委员会合作/出题人
Q1. 您是如何进入教学行业的?是什么/谁激励您成为一名教师?
My maths teacher at school just seemed to have the best time at ‘work’. Helping us to solve A level problems just seemed great fun and the idea of helping people really appealed to me.
Q2. 对那些想来英国读书的留学生,可以给一些您认为非常重要的建议吗?
What’s the best advice you could give to someone who wishes to study in the UK?
Be open to meeting new people and get to know different cultures. Be organised with your studies.
What are your biggest accomplishments and toughest challenges as a
The toughest challenges have come helping the disaffected student who is having a tough time, to make good choices, when I was Head of Year. Being the link between the student and the teachers, and the parents too, is challenging but rewarding.
Being asked to coauthor an A Level book was an exciting recent accomplishment.
Q4.平时如何度过空闲时间? How do you like to spend your free time? When I am not teaching I love spending time with my family. I play golf to single figures too, so that takes up spare time. Q5.您的愿望清单上有什么事项? What’s on your bucket list? Travel to some more exciting places. I have lived in Thailand and Kuwait but would like to see other parts of the world. China, and South America for example. I enjoy the Masters Golf tournament in America each year and would love to play a round there. Q6.过去五年您读过的最好的书是什么? What’s the best thing you’ve read in the last five years? Probably ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear which is a book which has helped me to form good habits in life and work. Q7.您最喜欢的名言是什么? What’s your favourite quote? ‘Physics is simple, Physicists are not’ Edward Teller. Q8.您是早起的鸟儿还是夜猫子? Are you an early bird or a night owl? Early bird. Q9.您最喜欢的休假方式是什么? Are you an early bird or a night owl? You’ve probably guessed that golf or family would feature. I go to watch football with my son, or walk with my wife, particularly at the coast. Or I play golf! Q10.如果可以穿越,您会选择什么时候去哪里? If you could time travel when and where would you go? I love the start of the 1900’s for the Physics development. In 30/40 years there was some incredible work done. The recent film Oppenheimer outlined the end of this work with the atomic bomb, I would like to go back and be part of the Manhattan Project. Maybe the ending could have been different?? Q11.在公共场合最讨厌别人做的事情是什么? What’s the most annoying thing people do in public? 乱扔垃圾。 Drop litter. Q12.如果今天赢了一百万英镑,您明天会做什么? What would you do tomorrow if you won a million pounds today? Carry on with my lessons, I would never let my students down. In the we holidays I would go on an amazing trip! Q13.能不能和我们分享一些您不为人知的趣事? What’s something people would never guess just by looking at you? I enjoy Ballroom dancing with my wife. What did teachers say about you in your school reports and is it still true? I enjoy a challenge. What’s your favourite way to express yourself? With humour. 点击以下视频 了解更多关于Phil导师的 教学经验和与莫顿学子的故事 🎬 了解更多莫顿导师内容,欢迎点击下方回顾《走近莫顿导师》系列访谈: 莫顿导师专访|对话英国中学教材撰写人:“英国大学将使你成为一个更好的人” 如果你也想 直接与考局出题考官、合作导师交流 参与这些老师的课堂👩🏫👨🏫 👇 莫顿学院课程包含但不局限于 (I)GCSE全学科精讲强化课 (I)GCSE单科精讲/强化课 Alevel全学科精讲/强化课 Alevel单科精讲强化课 (I)GCSE~Alevel直升精讲课/强化课 英国私校/本科申请升学指导 牛剑名校冲刺提升 雅思/专项/学术英语指导课程 小语种课程,日语/法语/西语等 无需出国 伦敦莫顿学院提供线上课程 👇 只要成为伦敦莫顿学院长期学生,就可以让您的孩子在纯英制教育下,直接接触英国导师,在家即可完成全部学业,获得 英国学校学籍认证+导师推荐信! 我们可以为每位符合要求的学生提供(但不局限于): 生物/化学 Tim老师 Alevel考局考官 2007年开始任职英国顶级名校化学、生物导师,曾多次担任化学系主任,负责学校的化学课程设置以及教材编写。 Tim老师在Alevel/GCSE化学教学领域累积了15+年的教学经验,帮助不计其数的学生短时间提升成绩.Tim导师会根据学生不同的程度,设计不同的课程内容,帮助不同背景的学生实现最终的学习目标。 计算机/数学 Joshua老师 10+年经验教学主任 在Alevel /GCSE computerscience领域教学上累积了近20年经验,曾任AQA 、OCR、Edxcel多个考局的考官和出题人,曾领导团队研究不同考局的出题内容和方式,深谙各个考局的出题特点和考试题型。 Joshua导师为多名学生提高了计算机理论与实操方面的考试成绩,为近千位学生提供编程方向的指导与帮助,尤其擅长Python,Java,C++ 等编程语言。 化学 Margaret老师 英国考局委员会合作/出题人 18+年(I)GCSE/ Alevel化学系教导主任 Margaret导师是化学学科的资深认证教师和1v1导师,曾担任英国中学化学系教研总监15+年,教学经验均极其丰富,几乎所有辅导过的学生成绩都得到大幅提升,获得学生和家长好评 通过完成莫顿学院课程,学生在家就能获得英国学籍、体验原汁原味的纯英式教育、报考Alevel、让英国最棒的外籍/双语导师一对一教学、短期内大幅提升成绩、拿到世界名校offer! 2023伦敦莫顿学院毕业生Offer榜 向下滑动查看完整榜单
LEO同学 牛津大学PPE Offer LEO同学在国内国际高中学习,成绩不错,但觉得目前学校能力有限,希望找实力更强的导师,冲击更好的学校。 文科相对是Leo同学的弱项,;学生成绩和知识吸收能力逐渐提升后,英籍PPE背景牛津导师带学生进入自己的项目组做科研,背景得到极大优化;数学遵循更科学的学习方法,成绩前进并一直稳定在A* 入学莫顿后,数学成绩全班第一,预估A*;历史成绩大幅提升,从B上升到A*;英籍导师进行有针对性的TSA考试辅导和面试辅导,最终顺利如愿拿到牛津PPE offer!
Pan同学 帝国理工IC 数学Offer Pan同学是一位A2阶段的学生,他在英国一所公立学校就读,对于数学一直非常感兴趣,但是涉及到物理部分却让他非常痛苦和无助,考试成绩都不理想:最好的一次成绩只有B。 为了帮助Pan同学快速提高成绩,莫顿学院团队为Pan同学规划了每天的学习方案以及监督他改变做题习惯。 入学莫顿后,物理成绩从B到A*!数学成绩稳定在A*,最终拿到梦校帝国理工Offer!
冲刺班/暑期班课 报名火热进行中🔥